Apple Stock: JPMorgan Lays Out the Bull and Bear Case
5/3 00:58
Reflecting the market’s 2022 woes, Apple (AAPL) shares sit 8% into the red year-to-date, despite reporting what JPMorgan’s Samik Chatterjee calls a “robust” F1Q earnings report.
With the continued macro disruptions taking center stage, it is hard to tell what the rest of the year has in store. Nevertheless, Chatterjee set out to gauge current sentiment on all things Apple, holding a recent buy-side survey.
While it only had 15 participants, which the analyst concedes is “arguably not the best sample size,” Chatterjee thinks the survey can provide an indication of “where the Bull and Bear case for Apple lies in relation to FY22 performance and what will be the drivers of performance for the shares.”
Let’s take a look at some of the findings.
For one, the bull case rests on sustaining F1Q’s revenue growth and reaching double-digit revenue growth again.